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Create a Farm


To create a farm on ThreeFold V4, simply download the ThreeFold Connect app, create an account and then create a V4 farm.

Download the App

The ThreeFold Connect app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Create an Account

To create a new account, you will be asked to choose a Threefold Connect Id. This ID will be used, as well as the seed phrase, when you want to log in after having logged out of your account.

You will also need to add a valid email address. You will need to access your email and confirm the validation email from ThreeFold to use properly the TF Connect app wallet.

You will be shown your seed phrase. Keep this in a secure and offline place. You will need the 3bot ID, i.e. the account Name, and the Seed phrase to recover your account. This seed phrase is of utmost importance. Do not lose it nor give it to anyone.

Create a Farm

Open the TF Connect app, go to Farming and click on V4. Then click on the plus button + to create a farm.

Choose a farm name and select a wallet then click Create.

Access the Farm ID

Once the farm is created, simply click on your farm name on the V4 farm page to access more info. Your farm ID will be shown below Farm ID.